Friday, March 11, 2011

Timber Tina!

Today at the checkpoint we all got to meet Timber Tina from Maine! We all got our picture taken with her and then some people got individual pictures also. It was very cool to talk with someone who'd actually been on the show Survivor. She was very nice and happy to see some people from Maine who were also in Alaska. She had one of our "Brooksville to Alaska" hats on and said she'd been taking lots of pictures of her wearing it.


Unknown said...

Hello BES! I made it home last night and was GLUED to the computer today until John Baker made it across the finish line... meeting all of you in McGrath was SO cool! I told everyone I met along my journey that I couldn't wait to see all of you on the trail... What treasured memories we will have from the Iditarod 2011... THAT WAS THE BEST!!! CU soon!

Unknown said...

OMG.....I just can't wait to hear your stories. Off to Texas. A far cry from Alaska!!! You look Fabulous Tina!!! Love from Kingfield, Me.