student breakfast worker |
Fundraising began on July 4, 2009 at the Harborside Fourth of July parade. Following that we were at the Brooksville Farmers' Market on Tuesdays through out the summer, where we sold calendars and a variety of baked goods. That summer we also had 2 breakfasts and 1 supper.
Breakfasts continued in October, November, and January. February 2010 was a busy month, with a breakfast, fishing derby, and soup and chowder supper. In March we had a breakfast and in May there was a softball tournament and another breakfast.
washing dishes at a breakfast |
June, July and August 2010 were breakfast months, as well as weekly Farmers' Markets. A total of 3 donated lobster boat excursions were auctioned. Students sold lemonade and lime fizz at an antique car show and carried books for a summer fair. The community enjoyed an evening of music, lobster rolls, and burgers in August. A new, donated generator was auctioned and students shared information with fair goers at our booth at the Blue Hill Fair on Labor Day weekend.
I-DID-A-RUN Participant |
In September and October our monthly breakfasts continued. We had another lobster roll supper in October, with Maine Event once again providing music. We hosted a new event in November, our first ever 5K I-DID-A-RUN. It proved to be a fun time for everyone, with many enjoying good food and company after the race at our breakfast. The weather cooperated and our breakfasts in December and January were as popular as ever.
one of many Farmers' Markets
Here's the total:
twenty Farmers' Markets
thirteen breakfasts
4 suppers
1 softball tournament
lemonade and lime fizz sold at antique auto show
thousands of books carried for benefit fair
1 fishing derby
1 generator and 3 lobster boat excursions auctioned
variety of raffles
350 Brooksville calendars sold
Maine Weather performing at our supper
October 2010 - Our housing and acitivity arrangements in McGrath are sounding fantastic. Thank you McGrath School!
- Final research is being done on favorite mushers prior to students writing to them.
- Students are checking out the SP Kennel Dog Log in preparation for their own blogs while they're in Alaksa.
- We're busy working on our top ten list for reasons why Mrs. Dodge wants to go to Alaska.
- Thank you for another super turnout at our breakfast!
- Our lobster roll and burger supper on October 3 was a wonderful event. People enjoyed fantastic food and fabulous music. A big thanks to Chuck Dodge and Andy Ladd for donating lobsters and to Maine Weather for the music.
September 2010
- Just when I thought our breakfasts couldn't get any better........we now have "every half hour" raffles. Only $1 can give you a chance to win a prize.....every half hour! Our September 25th breakfast was another great success.
Our students even work on their birthdays!
Our first "every half hour" raffle was a big hit!
 - Can you believe there's an indoor water park in Anchorage? That's now on our itinerary!
- Students are selecting mushers to whom they'd like to write. Long time favorites DeeDee Jonrowe, Martin Buser and Dallas Seavey are at the top of many lists. In 2005 our group saw Dallas Seavey in his first Iditarod when he was the youngest musher ever.
- Our breakfast and supper scheduled for Sept. 11 and 12 were postponed due to gym floor refinishing.
- The raffle winners have been drawn. Barbara Dow was the winner of the quilt and the car products were won by Rowan Waring.

coins being donated at our booth at the Blue Hill Fair August 2010
July 2010
- We have been busy! The July 31 breakfast raised about $800, and we continue to do well at the Farmers' Market. Yeast rolls have become a bit hit. Thanks to Vicki Atherton for making these each week.
- Including the latest breakfast our fundraising total is now $16, 400. We're more than halfway to our goal!
- July 10 breakfast raised $670, including raffles and calendars. Thank you everyone! Chocolate chip pancakes are the latest addition to our menu.
- Our 2011 calendars are being sold. Again, as last year, they are very popular.
- Farmers' Markets continue.
- Due to lack of tickets sales the Shore Dinner was canceled. That was "Plan A" for the lobsters donated by Leroy Weed, Sr.
- Lemonade and lime fizz were sold at the Sedgwick Fire Department Antique Auto Show at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds. Another $250 was added to the amount we've raised. Slow and steady......
- July 20th Farmers' Market raises $175.
June 2010
- Breakfast made $565 and people enjoyed super food, video of Alaska, and visiting with new and old friends. Thank you everyone who attended!
- Deposits have been placed on tickets to Anchorage and McGrath.
- Received $320 donation - thank you, thank you!
- First two Brooksville Farmers' Markets are a lot of fun.
Spring 2010
- Students enjoyed another out-of-school "just for fun" activity - swimming at the Y and ice cream sundaes at Friendly's.
- Thanks everyone who helped with and attended our breakfast on May 1st and the "snowball" tournament on May 1st and 2nd.
- Breakfast made about $500 and tournament about $800.
- We've now made it to $14,000!
- Special thanks to Earl and Gail Clifford for the handcrafted bat which was won by Simeon Allen.
- "Share the Iditarod 2010" at the Blue Hill Library was a great deal of fun. "Veterans" from the 2005 trip joined us and shared memories with the Iditarod 2011 "rookies". Check out Aaron modeling his Iditarod jacket from 2005! Guests from Franklin, Belfast and around Blue Hill enjoyed live coverage of the race and video from Iditarod 2009. Jerk (deer, moose, and bear) was a big hit.
- Raffle tickets being sold for baseball bat handmade and hand painted by Earl and Gayle Clifford.
- Raffle tickets being sold for a variety of items including 6 chowder bowls from Rackliffe Pottery.
- Breakfast on March 20 raised another $500.

Students do everything - serve food, wash dishes, work at the admission table, and even make deer jerky.
February 2010
- another yummy breakfast (Feb. 27) earns about $575 - Mrs. Dodge's cinnamon rolls are a favorite
- softball tournament postponed until March 6 & 7 due to field conditions
- fishing derby is a great success, raised about $1,000 - winners:Tyler Snow - 5.45 lb. -grand prize, largest bass and children's, Jason Lepper - 1.97 lb. - largest pickerel, Damon Black - .95 lb. - largest perch,Tony Grant - .85 lb. - largest brook trout
- soup & chowder supper is enjoyed by many and earns about $500
- students and parents met on Feb. 3 to continue planning
- 6/7 students planning for school wide Ikidarod on March 5
- fishing tickets on sale at Eggemoggin, C & G, Yanni's Seal Cove Boatyard, The Galley, Northern Bay Market, Willey's, BES and with all 6/7 students
- seeking donations for fishing derby prizes, door prizes and raffle
January 2010
- students and parents met on Jan. 6 to continue planning
- students meet weekly with Mrs. Lepper at lunch/recess, most recently checked out new student blog and chose whether or not to volunteer with helping to get it going
- breakfast on Jan. 9 raised about $500
- sold last of 2010 calendars
- Brooksville to Alaska Fan Newsletter emailed
- started Facebook page - used for publicity
- fishing derby tickets being put in stores - C&G, Northern Bay Market, Yanni's, Curves, Eggemoggin Country Store, Seal Cove Boatyard
December 2009
- applied to FLASH in the Pans for benefit performance in summer 2010
- Brooksville Breeze includes ad for our calendars - Thanks!
- 50 more calendars ordered
- plans underway for Brooksville 2011 calendar
- breakfasts at school on Jan. 9, Feb. 27, March 20, May 1, and June 5
- plan to have 3 breakfasts in summer, several other ideas being pursued in addition to Harborside Fourth of July parade
- sold all but 4 of 200 calendars
- fishing derby planned for Sunday, Feb. 21 with chowder supper at school that evening
- breakfasts planned for Saturday, Jan. 9 and Feb. 27, March 20, May 1 and June 5
- softball tournament planned for Saturday, Feb. 27 and Sunday, Feb. 28
November 2009
- Brooksville 6th and 7th graders videoconferene with McGrath middle level students
- 50 more calendars ordered
- table at the Community Center Craft Fair - sold a lot of calendars
- Brooksville to Alaska t-shirts now available to buy
- meeting with students on Wednesdays at recess to begin writing thank you notes
- students have email addresses and are generating a lot of great ideas
- students, parents, and chaperones met on October 7 to finalize breakfast plans, make plans for future fundraisers, and discuss student behavior expectations
- videoconference with McGrath students - lowest temperature they remember is 70 degrees below zero, snow days only if temperature is colder than 50 degrees below zero
- successful fundraising breakfast on October 17
- more t-shirts ordered
- email received from Sharon Strick, middle level teacher at the McGrath School, expressing interest in our trip and having our students communicate with one another
- article in the Ellworth American
September 2009
What's happened up to now-
- Brooksville School Committee approved concept
- letter sent to parents in October 2008
- began monthly meetings with parents and students to discuss trip and fundraising
- began fundraising over the summer - two breakfasts, one supper, parade at Harborside Fourth of July, Brooksville Farmer's Market every Tuesday
- sold baked goods, student made pins, Brooksville calendars and hats at Farmer's Market