comments overhead during our day:
I wouldn’t want to live there. We’re not in Brooksville. (while flying over New York City)
If you see something white following you check for toilet paper.
It’s hard to stand up with a seat belt on.
Whoa! It’s so beautiful (when seeing Statue of Liberty)
I’ll have 2 of everything please.
Are we there yet? (two hours into the five-hour flight)
What time IS it in Brooksville?
Now we’re living what we already lived because we’re going back in time. (time zones have become very real)
Nice hat!
So where did you say you guys are from?
responses when learning about us: That’s so cool! That’s so awesome! What an adventure!
How often does you mother let you have coffee?
I need a couple more sugars for my coffee.
Superhero Mrs. Andrews is going to do what?
What time is it REALLY?
This one’s huge! (beginning of seeing mountains)
What is parental guidance anyway?