Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Top Ten Reasons Why Mrs. Dodge Wants to Go to Alaska

10. Maine doesn't have enough snow.
9. She’s working her way through the 50 states.  Hawaii is done and now she’s moving on to Alaska.
8.  She’s looking for new recipes. 
7. There are no chocolate waterfalls in Maine. 
6. She’s tired of tiny Maine crabs and wants to check out Alaska king crab.
5. The water parks in Maine aren’t heated. 
4. Her insulated cooking apron hasn’t really been tested. 
3. She wants a good night’s sleep.
2. She wants to try some chocolate “moose”.
1. It’s for the kids!


melted snow ball said...

These are some really good reasons !

susanne said...

I like all the reasons, but the two I like best is 9 and 1. We are there and I'm very proud on how hard all of you kids and and parents have work to get us there.

Cammie said...

Great list!

FrozenBanana said...

I like 2 and 4.